Friday, May 9, 2008

All Things Week 7

I can see many benefits to I like the idea that you can save interesting sites and give them key words. It is interesting to see what other people have saved and it could be a way of discovering other useful work sites that slip under the radar when searching through a website. The idea of allowing someone else to do the main searching and I get to ride on their coat tails by saving what they have found appeals to me.

At the moment the favourite list on my computeris huge, too huge now to go back and and put into folders. I am slowly going through them and deleting the many that no longer work.

The issue I do have is that to belong to you have to have another login and password. While doing this course I have started to feel overwhelmed with the number of logins and passwords I have.

I will try and use it more as I can see that having my favourites not tied to the one pc would be good.

I don't think I would ever want to link any blog to Technorati. I never have had or will have anything useful to say that anyone would want to read.

Just for something completely useless but fun a Youtube video of Thomas the Tank Engine and friends in Thriller by Michael Jackson

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